Cant open front doors
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I hope someone can help, 1994 Olds Cutlass Supreme 4 door. The problem I am having is, all the doors are unlocked, but from the out side I can't open either the drivers side or the passenger side front. But I can open both the rear doors no problem. This is my wifes car, and she is not a happy camper.[img]smileys/smiley7.gif[/img]This has me stumped.
Originally Posted by Randy
< src="" =text/> </>I hope someone can help, 1994 Olds Cutlass Supreme 4 door. The problem I am having is, all the doors are unlocked, but from the out side I can't open either the drivers side or the passenger side front. But I can open both the rear doors no problem. This is my wifes car, and she is not a happy camper.[img]smileys/smiley7.gif[/img]This has me stumped.
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_uacct = "UA-939292-46";
So how are you getting in the car now?
I would try cleaning all the grounds accross the radaitor support, should be about 5 places.
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did this problem suddenly appear or gradually? are the indicators inside the door showing unlocked? is it power door locks? i also agree with checking the grounds.
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Powerlocks. I went through the trunk, luckily one of the folding back cushions was not latched. The lockindicators are all up, I pushed them up manually. I tried unhooking the battery in hopes that maybe something electrically was happening. To no avail. And yes it happened suddenly, no warning whatsoever. So when I shut all the doors the only ones that will open from the outside are the rear. I searched most of the night on the internet but couldn't find anything. I'll try searching for and cleaning the grounds.
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_uacct = "UA-939292-46";
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</>try this. Also check fuses, maybe circut brakers, what else dont work thatelectrical?
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_uacct = "UA-939292-46";
</>Edited by: Ryano
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